Master in Technical Analysis
Technical analysis means to take trading and investment decisions based on chart analysis of particular instrument. There are different ways to analyse chart. Some are use technical indicators, oscillators, bollinger bands. The disadvantages are all indicators are either leading or lagging in nature. Meanwhile if you use multiple indicators on you charts, it creates confusion on trading decisions due to its different operation in nature. Many traders are use different theories like gann, dow or elliott wave, all theories are based on certain assumption and practically difficult to implement it specially for new bees. Hence many times you get trap and loose your hard earned money.
To avoid all these difficulties, we encourage our students to learn pure price action based trading. This trading is based on supply and demand imbalances. Supply and demand identification on chart is the key. It is the place where big institutions and big investors are enters and exits in particular instrument or asset class. Results, it increases odds to get highly probability trades. The main advantages of trading of supply and demand imbalances is that you are trading with big boys and hence success ratio increased, achieving sufficient reward to risk ratio very quickly.
Join us and learn this easy yet very very powerful trading technique of supply and demand imbalances. Complete rule based trading guidance will help to become disciplined and mature trader. Some of the main points what we learn to our students are as follows.
Highlights of training modules
Types of Analysis and Types of traders
Price action and types of charts
Candlestick and its terminology
Types of two candles & its importance
What is supply and demand imbalances ?
Structure formation and Trade setup
What is trend and how to find it on chart ?
Correct and Fast way of Trend Analysis
Multiple Time frame Analysis
Rules of Entry, Stoploss, Target
Introduction of Advanced concept
How to plan Trade ?
Gap Trading
Over view of trading Tools
Top down approach for stock selections
Risk management and Managing of trade
Factor affecting your trades
Key Features : 
Become independent professional trader
​​Unique and powerful trading concepts
Easy and effective learning methods
Applicable to any kind of Markets
Useful for any kind of traders and investors
Be your own adviser
​Duration :
10 Days (2Hrs/Day)
Includes 10-12 hours theory +
4-8 hours live market practical training
Training Mode :
Offline & Online (via Google Hangout)
Support :
Student can contact in
​working days during office hours
Price :
Rs 20,000/- Only
For more information or any query Contact us or call us @ +91-7990095418 during office hours